• Matematika
  • ALJABAR Kelas 10 SMA
  • Grafik, Persamaan, dan Pertidaksamaan Eksponen dan Logaritma
  • Persamaan Eksponen

Video solusi : A cool drink is removed from a refrigerator and is placed in a room where the temperature is 70 F. According to the result in physics of cooling, the known Newton's law as temperature of the drink in t minutes will be F(t) = 70 - Ae^(-kt) Where A and k are positive contants. Suppose the temperature of the drink was 35 F when it left the refrigerator and 30 minutes later, it was 50 F (that is, F(0) = 35 and F(30) = 50) a. Find A and e^(-30k). b. What will the temperature (to nearest degrees) of the drink be after one hour?

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